Degree Progress

Are you on track to graduate? You may check your progress by referring to your Curriculum Sheets for your Major, and your Academic Advising Report through Student Center. It is recommended that students view both their Curriculum Sheets and Advising Report at the same time to fully understand their graduation requirements. Students should also review Cornell and Human Ecology Requirements & Policies to ensure they are following all University and College guidelines.


You must fill out a Graduation Application to let the Human Ecology Office of the Registrar know when you plan on graduating. Due dates for submission of this application are as follows:

Note: Students that plan on graduating late must meet with a counselor in Student Services in 1210 MVR Hall and then submit a General Petition to the HE Office of Registrar in 1204 MVR Hall.

Have a Question?

Email notifications sent to seniors who are missing degree requirements will come from Please add this to your Cornell email address book otherwise any messages sent will likely go into your spam folder.

For questions relating to graduation, department requirements, or policies, e-mail our Degree Auditor.