Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example (Postgraduate)

Civil engineering has the power to influence the world around us and better the lives of others. I am interested in engineering due to its creativity to find innovative solutions, as well as the practical skills to implement the designs into a reality. The ever-changing field plays a vital part in modern life, with vast progressions owing to technological advancements.

The global changes regarding climate change and population expansion require fresh ideas and social understanding, with consideration for the environment, which I believe that I can contribute towards.

My fascination in studying civil engineering stems from my love for geography, which has given me contextual knowledge on the impacts of our changing world.

My main interest is in the coastal and water elements of civil engineering and how they can combat the rising issues in coastal regions, with the potential to reduce flooding and social damage. Studying geography has taught me the importance of sustainability and its incorporation into design and building.

I completed a geography NEA exploring 'Are the Coastal Defences in Tenby Sustainable for the Future?' Doing fieldwork on the cliff stability and the hard and soft engineering in place allowed me to be hands on, collecting data to support my decisions. I chose to investigate sustainability so that I could analyse the environmental, social and economic impacts of engineering structures on their location.

Science has also always been a strong interest of mine, and through my A-level studies I have found a greater appreciation for mathematics and physics due to the theoretical context they provide.

However, I find real interest in the manipulation of equations to work in a practical situation with the immeasurable parameters that humans can provide. For this reason, engineering truly appeals to me as I would have challenging opportunities to use my skills of design, manufacture and mathematics.

After doing seven years of Product Design, I have excellent knowledge in using CAD programmes, such as 2D Design and Google Sketch Up.

Additionally, I have used CAM to manufacture prototypes and to model my designs before final production. For my A2 coursework, I am making a wooden castle with functional cog mechanisms for the portcullis.

This has allowed me to develop research skills, finding different properties of materials and how the finishes applied will strengthen or weaken the material.

My interest in engineering has extended beyond my studies; in 2017 I went to the annual Flood Expo at the Excel in London to see the leading innovations in flood prevention and management.

This included the M&CCE Expo, at which several different players in defence were present, with contrasting views on money allocations. I found this fascinating, and went to the seminars on civil engineering and its contribution to flood technology in order to further my knowledge in this field.

For in-school extracurricular activities, I am a senior prefect and the Geography Captain as well as being Form Representative.

Outside my academic interests, I have volunteered weekly at my local Beaver Scout Group for the last four years, and I have worked at a tuition centre for two years in the position of Head Student Helper, meaning I manage a group of peers and interact with parents.

These roles have improved my communication, organisational and teamwork skills. Additionally, I enjoy kayaking with Southend Canoe club, swimming and have my Gold Medallion Life Saving Award.

In the summer of 2018, I took part in a month-long World Challenge expedition to Swaziland and Mozambique, for which I had to raise £3950 through fundraising events.

Through these experiences and from my academia I am well prepared to study civil engineering as I have determination, and the desire to design to make lives easier and provide a greater respect for the environment.

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