Word Examples for Common Neighbor Letters

Have you ever had a neighbor with a barking dog? Or a noisy house on your block? And did you wonder how you might best convey this information to those neighbors? Neighborhood Services is offering a few wording examples to help neighbors deal with sticky situations. You can use these examples and fill in your own specifics. Even if you don't want to send a letter, these might give you some ideas on how to approach a neighbor and start a conversation. We have also included a welcome letter to help break the ice as you meet and greet new neighbors!

Wording Examples

EXAMPLE: Welcome to our Neighborhood

Again, welcome to our neighborhood.

Example: Barking Dog

I am a nearby neighbor and I recently noticed your dog barking continuously at certain times of the day. Most often I hear the barking between ____ and ____ and occasionally at night around ____ p.m. I don't know if you are home during these hours or if the dog only barks when you are away. Since I work at home (at night, etc.) the barking is very disturbing and disruptive for me. If you could please work to keep your dog quiet, I would appreciate it greatly. I am afraid if it continues to be disruptive for me I will need to call animal control. (Optional: insert your name and number so they can contact you).

Example: Noise and Parties

As your neighbors, we must inform you that the recent noise and parties at your house are very disruptful to those around you. While we recognize your right to have parties and to enjoy your property, we also will not tolerate being awakened at late hours, having your guests walk through our yards, or having cups and other trash left in yards and in the street. Also, cars of residents and visitors must be parked legally, going the right direction, and not blocking driveways or sidewalks. Cars are not permitted to be parked on unimproved front yards.

The City of Fort Collins noise ordinance does not use decibel measurements to determine unreasonable noise and is in effect 24 hours a day. Noise that can be heard beyond property lines is probably too loud. Police determine if noise is unreasonable by considering the time of day, numbers of people, type of noise, and other factors. If the noise is determined to be unreasonable, a ticket may be issued and violators can be subject to fines of up to $1,000 for the first offense. Repeated violations can also be prosecuted under the Public Nuisance Ordinance.

Please keep this in mind when you are having friends over. Frequently, it’s not you or the music that is problematic, it is your guests leaving and talking loudly or slamming car doors. We would appreciate it if you could remind your friends this is a family neighborhood where most neighbors go to bed by 10 p.m., and encourage them to be quiet. If you have questions of any of us and would like to further clarify what is disruptful to us, please let us know.