What Is the Difference Between Proprietorship & Incorporation?

In the range of business structures, sole proprietorships and corporations are the two extremes. A sole proprietorship is the simplest business to set up, whereas creating a corporation is the most complicated and demanding. You need to know the difference between a corporation and a sole proprietorship to know which is the right choice for your business.


With a sole proprietorship, there's no legal difference between you and your business. When you incorporate, your business becomes a separate legal entity. This affects your taxes and your personal liability for corporate debts and court judgments. Incorporating requires much more paperwork than starting a sole proprietorship.

A Solo Act

One thing corporations and sole proprietors have in common is that you can start them alone. A sole proprietorship, as the name suggests, is a one-person show. While people often imagine corporations as large, multi-owner entities, it's legal to incorporate when you're the sole founder, shareholder, director and officer, Entrepreneur says.

One difference between a sole proprietorship and a partnership, by contrast, is that you can't be your own business partner. A partnership requires two or more owners. One person won't cut it.

Starting a Business

Even if you're flying solo, starting a one-person corporation is light-years away from starting a sole proprietorship. If you start a business and don't set it up as a corporation, partnership or limited liability company (LLC), you're automatically a sole proprietor, according to the Small Business Administration. Legally, you and your business are the same, so there's no need for special steps to create it.

This doesn't mean you fly paperwork-free. If your business requires any licensing, permits or inspections, sole proprietors still have to attend to all that. If you sell anything subject to sales tax, you need to file as a sales tax collector. If you want to use a business name such as Kate's Plumbing or Great Gourmet Goodies, you need to register the "doing business as" (DBA) name. Even so, FundBox reports the process is simple enough that 70 percent of U.S. businesses choose the sole proprietorship structure.

A big difference between a corporation and a sole proprietor is the large amount of paperwork and prep it takes to become a corporation. For example, while you can incorporate in the state where you do business, you can also choose to incorporate in other states that give better perks to corporations, according to BPlans. That's not an issue with a sole proprietorship.

Even after you establish a corporation, you have more paperwork. You need to hold regular board meetings, take minutes and record the members' decisions, even if you're the only member.

What If You're Sued?

If the paperwork was the only difference between a company and a sole proprietorship, it's unlikely any individual would incorporate. The big incentive is another difference between a corporation and a sole proprietorship: Corporations protect your personal assets from business debts and lawsuits.

Suppose you start your business with a $20,000 investment and are sued a few months later and end up with a $30,000 judgment against you. If you run a sole proprietorship, you have to dig into your personal savings to pay the extra $10,000. With a corporation, that's not an issue because your corporation is legally a separate individual. If the company's money runs out, you're under no obligation to make up the rest.

This legal shield isn't absolute. While the standards for breaching the shield vary among states, the Legal Information Institute warns that a business owner who incorporates to cheat people and duck responsibility may be out of luck. Treating the corporation as if it were a sole proprietorship – not keeping corporate funds separate from your own, for example – could convince a judge the corporation isn't separate. Still, it offers more protection than a sole proprietorship.

Tax Difference Between Corporation and Sole Proprietor

How you pay taxes is another difference between a corporation and a sole proprietorship. When you run a sole proprietorship, taxes are simple: You report your income on Schedule C and treat the profits as personal income. If you set up a C corporation, your company pays tax on its profits, while you only pay on the dividends you receive.

A C corporation is the default setting when you incorporate. However, you can elect to form an S corporation, where you treat your business profits as personal income, just like in a sole proprietorship. If getting the best tax deal is a major factor in whether you incorporate, do some number crunching before you decide.

Factor Social Security and Medicare taxes into your considerations. Sole proprietors pay those taxes on their income, but corporate owners don't pay on the money they withdraw from the corporation. However, if you form an S corporation and work for your company, you have to pay tax on your salary. You must pay yourself a fair salary for your labor. The IRS warns that not paying yourself and taking all your pay in the form of your owner's draw can get you in legal trouble.

Looking to the Future

Sometimes the difference between a corporation and a sole proprietorship is your dream of the future. With a sole proprietorship, you are the business; when you die, your business ceases to exist. If you set up a corporation, it can keep running even after you're dead.

Even if you aren't worried about leaving a legacy, incorporating your business can make it easier to grow. Investors, vendors and lenders often see incorporation as proof that you're serious about your company, which gives them confidence about doing business with you. A C corporation is better than an S corporation or sole proprietorship when it comes to raising capital.

If you're not sure your ambitions justify incorporating, becoming a sole proprietorship isn't an irreversible decision. You can start out as a sole proprietorship and then incorporate when you're satisfied your business can last.

Fraser Sherman has written about every aspect of business: how to start one, how to keep one in the black, the best business structure, the details of financial statements. He's also run a couple of small businesses of his own. He lives in Durham NC with his awesome wife and two wonderful dogs.