Fall and Spring Breaks

This policy establishes guidelines for employees to use fall and spring breaks.

2.0 Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5-17-11 1.0 Policy rewrite.

3.0 Persons Affected

3.1 All employees who are eligible to receive employment benefits.

3.2 All employees who are not eligible to employment benefits.

4.0 Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1 Benefited employees are provided with paid fall and spring breaks.

4.2 Non-benefited employees are provided with unpaid fall and spring breaks.

4.3 Employees take fall and spring breaks leave in accordance with this policy.

4.4 The college does not count fall and spring break leave as hours worked when calculating overtime.

4.5 Employees who are scheduled to terminate their employment with the college must return to work or take eligible annual leave for at least one day following a fall or spring break day to be eligible for fall or spring break leave.

5.0 Definitions

5.1 Administrative. This job classification includes professional, non-faculty positions responsible for the management or operations of the college. Administrative employees are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act.

5.2 Classified staff. This job classification includes operational support positions. Classified staff employees are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

5.3 Faculty. This job classification includes employees who are responsible for teaching and instruction. Faculty employees are employed on a faculty contract. Faculty employees are exempt from the Fair Labor and Standards Act.

5.4 Benefited. This group is comprised of employees who are eligible to receive employment benefits from the college.

5.5 Supervisor. The person to whom the employee reports and who has managerial responsibility to make decisions regarding the employee.

5.6 Fall and Spring Breaks. This is paid leave taken during the fall and spring semesters. The college allots fall and spring break leave based on the following schedule.

5.6.1 Faculty employees are allotted two leave days in the fall and five leave days in the spring. Faculty must take their semester breaks on the dates listed in the academic calendar.

5.6.2 Administrative and classified staff employees are allotted one leave day in the fall and two leave days in the spring. Administrative and classified staff employees may take leave during the dates listed in the academic calendar, or they may work with their supervisor to schedule other day(s) during the semester to take their leave.

6.0 Responsibilities

6.1 Administrative and classified staff employees are responsible for working with their supervisor to schedule their leave.

6.2 Supervisors are responsible for granting fall or spring break leave in compliance with this policy.

6.3 Supervisors are responsible for scheduling fall or spring break leave in a manner that ensures appropriate departmental staffing.

6.4 The director of human resources is responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy.

7.0 Procedures